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Report Bullying at GCHS (Click Here)
The form above is provided for you to inform us about any situation or problem that you are having, or if you know information about regarding being bullying and harassment. This can apply to you as a victim or an incident that you have witnessed. These situations can occur in school or out of school. Please provide as much information as you can so that the problem can be addressed directly. The information will be sent to Dean Piotrowicz, and if necessary, she will notify the appropriate personnel.
If you are in immediate danger at this moment STOP and call 911
Additional Resources for you if this occurred during non-school hours.
1 800 273 talk (8255)
If you are being bullied, you are not alone and there is help. If you are acting as a bully, it’s not too late to change and become a better person. You’re worth it.
Grayslake Central High School wholeheartedly embraces the amended School Code and will address bullying-related issues by providing procedural information explaining how to report bullying-related issues directly and anonymously along with providing a list of contacts here at Grayslake Central trained to assist in bullying-related issues.
The procedure for anonymous reporting to appropriate school officials is listed below.
Grayslake Central’s procedure for investigating and addressing bullying allegations may include, but is not limited to conducting interviews with students, staff and parents; accessing available technology where appropriate; and working in cooperation with local law enforcement and neighboring school districts and communities.
Grayslake Central's Building Designee(s) assigned to address bullying-related issues will report to all necessary parties involved within 10 school days and thereafter as needed.
A student who is being bullied or anyone who has information about actual or threatened bullying is encouraged to report it to the Deans Office:
Stephanie Rossie – Dean of Students A thru GOV (847) 986-3300 x 5751 srossie@d127.org
Corey Schwalb – Dean of Students GRA thru PERA (847) 986-3300 x 5665 cschwalb@d127.org
Jenny Piotrowicz – Dean of Students PERE thru Z (847) 986-3300 x 5637 jpiotrowicz@d127.org
Grayslake Central employs a wide-range of social work services to address bullying-related issues, including, but not limited to social emotional skill building, counseling, school psychological services and community-based counseling. For additional information regarding these services, please contact:
Alison Pearl - School Social Worker (847) 986-3300 x 5719 apearl@d127.org
Sabrina Gibson - School Social Worker (847) 986-3300 x 5738 sgibson@d127.org
Dean Griffin – School Social Worker (847) 986-3300 x5751 dgriffin@d127.org
Lori Mitchell – Guidance Dept Chair (847) 986-3300 x5727 lmitchell@d127.org
Dr. Kalle Nelson - School Psychologist (847) 986-3300 x 5520 knelson@d127.org
Matt Benoit - School Psychologist (847) 986-3300 x5514 mbenoit@d127.org
Bullying is defined as:
Any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act or conduct, including communications made in writing or electronically, directed toward a student or students that has or can be reasonably predicted to have the effect of one or more of the following:
Placing the student or students in a reasonable fear of harm to the student’s or students’ person or property;
Causing a substantially detrimental effect on the student’s or students’ physical or mental health;
Substantially interfering with the student’s or students’ academic performance; or
Substantially interfering with the student’s or students’ ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by a school.
Bullying, as defined in this subsection (b), may take various forms, including without limitation one or more of the following: harassment, threats, intimidation, stalking, physical violence, sexual harassment, sexual violence, theft, public humiliation, destruction of property, or retaliation for asserting or alleging an act of bullying. This list is meant to be illustrative and non-exhaustive.
Examples of bullying:
Someone is threatening to beat you up in school, including when walking to or from school, when you get off the bus, while talking to you on your cell phone or while you are online.
Someone is taking something of yours without your permission.
Someone is spreading rumors about you or your family.
Someone is embarrassing you in front of others by either calling you names or doing something to you like hiding your books, pulling your seat out from under you, etc.
Someone is telling other kids not to talk to you or be friends with you.
Someone continues to shove into you in the halls and says it is always an accident.
Someone is sexually harassing you. (following you around, whistling at you, making comments about your body or doing something to your body, touching you inappropriately, etc.)