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Inspired by the words of Rudine Sims Bishop, Professor Emerita of Education at Ohio State University, and by our District mission, District 127 selects novels that provide students a mirror into their own worlds, windows into other worlds, and figurative sliding glass doors through which they can enter and explore those places. As such, we are curating a growing list of diverse titles and authors to incorporate into our classes. The texts below will be used in class to engage students in safe, thoughtful dialogue and reflection around topics relevant to the world in which they live. If you have questions about any of the texts below please contact the classroom teacher or the department chair.
Additionally, students/guardians are responsible for purchasing the novels listed below. Teachers will give students two weeks' notice to buy a text from the GCHS Book Store or an outside vendor like Amazon. If students do not have the appropriate text in class by the predetermined date, students' school accounts will be charged for a purchase from the GCHS bookstore.