District Departments
Board of Education
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Grayslake Central - Ms. Angela Gargiulo 847-986-3300 x5014
Grayslake North - Ms. Jennifer Campos 847-986-3100 x5043
Proof of Residency Checklist & Birth Certificate Requirement
All families who have moved within District 127 boundaries. Please use this link to check if you are within District 127 boundaries and which school you should be registering for Boundary address check
To prove residency, the parent/guardian with whom the student lives in District 127 and who claims custody of the student must provide three (3) forms of documentation from the categories shown below. Please provide this signed form with a photo ID, and copies of one (1) document from Category I and two (2) documents from Category II (all documents must reflect the same address and be acceptable to District 127).
If the person enrolling the student claims the student is homeless or attending school in the student’s former district, upon the determination of the Department of Children and Family Services, only the appropriate line in Category III must be checked.
Category I –one (1) of the following documents showing proper name & address is required:
Illinois Housing Assistance Letter
Military Housing Letter
Affirmation of Legal Residency (Click here for form)
Current real estate tax bill
Current mortgage statement
Closing statement for purchase of residence (only accepted if ownership is less than six months since the date of purchase)
Signed lease plus proof of last two (2) rent payments (canceled checks or landlord’s receipts)
The lease must include the landlord’s name, address, and phone number; it must also list all school-age children living on the premises or a notarized letter from the landlord must accompany the lease.
Category II – two (2) of the following documents showing proper name & address are required:
Valid IL driver’s license
Home or apartment insurance certificate
Car Insurance or Car Registration (not expired)
Utility bill (Gas, Electric, Water, OR Cable) within the last 60 days
Telephone bill (landline only) in the last 60 days
Public Aid Card
Medicaid Card
Food Stamp Card
Paycheck Stub
Bank Statement
City Sticker Receipt
Credit Card Statement
Category III – None of the documents in Categories I or II above are applicable because:
The student is homeless and eligible for enrollment under the Illinois Education for Homeless Act.
The student is enrolling based on the determination of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS)
NOTE: If you checked the DCFS statement, please present the evidence of DCFS determination with this form.
Category IV – Birth Certificates are required for all incoming Freshmen and transfer students
Birth certificate (hospital-issued certificates will not be accepted)
“A person who knowingly or willfully presents to any school district any false information regarding the residency of a pupil for the purpose of enabling that pupil to attend any school in that district shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.” (105 ILCS 5/10-20.12b)
This proof of residency form is to attest that the above child is not enrolling in the district solely for school purposes and is living on a permanent basis with the person having complete custody and control. Registration of a student who is not a resident is a fraudulent act. Any student found to have been fraudulently registered will be dropped from the attendance rolls immediately. Parents or guardians making a fraudulent registration will be subject to the payment of retroactive tuition charged for non-resident students, not to exceed 110% of the per pupil cost.