Attendance and Schedule
Attendance Hotline: (847) 986-3101
Mrs. Hernandez - Attendance Secretary
Mrs. Guzman - Dean Secretary
District 127 has a common start time in both buildings and officially switched to a block schedule as seen below. In this new model, all students will get a period called Knights Block as one of their eight classes. This period is described at the bottom of this page. LATE START DAYS will be on Wednesdays. Please see the bell schedules below. Also, see this communication for Knights Block explanations.
Knights Block: District 127 uses a block schedule. Each student will have a mandatory Knights Block period built into their schedule. This is a flexible period allowing students to access resources available within the building (for example, social workers, counselors, college and career center, teachers and tutoring centers, etc.) as well as have time in the day to collaborate with peers and engage in schoolwork without having to give up a lunch period to do so. In addition to accessing resources, students will use this time to engage in programming and informational presentations offered by school staff. The student services team will develop a schedule of mandatory and optional programming that will be delivered during these flex periods. Social-emotional curriculum, college planning, and other grade-level presentations will happen during this time slot. Each building will communicate the specific locations available to students during Knights period and the expectations for students during that time.