847-986-3100 x5550
Dean's Office

Kevin Doyle, Dean

Jonathan Sawyer, Dean
847-986-3100 x5569

Linda Vecchie, Dean
847-986-3100 x5686

Mario Balarin, School Resource Officer

Valerie Guzman, Dean's Secretary
847-986-3100 x5039

Margarita Hernandez, Attendance Secretary
847-986-3100 x5067
DO YOU NEED HELP FOR YOURSELF? CONCERNED ABOUT A FRIEND? Please come to the school office or talk to a teacher/school counselor for help. To get help before or after school hours you can use Text-A-Tip. Text LAKECO to 1-844-823-5323. It’s safe, anonymous, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
For more local resources, please visit Find Help Lake County at: www.findhelplc.org